Cincinnati, OH, May 20, 2019 – Police practitioners and researchers at the annual conference of the American Society of Evidence-Based Policing heard about the Institute’s evaluation of NYPD’s implicit bias training today. Robin Engel (seated at far left), the director of the IACP/UC Center for Police Research and Policy and a co-principal investigator on the evaluation, introduced the topic. NYPD Assistant Commissioner Tanya Meisenholder (seated at far right) provided the NYPD background. And Institute director Rob Worden (standing at the podium) walked the audience through the evaluation design. The Institute’s Sarah McLean (also a co-principal investigator) and Hannah Cochran were other evaluation collaborators in attendance.
Worden later commented that “We’re very pleased to partner with the Center for Police Research and Policy and to be conducting this research. Public investments in this kind of training for police have been made without independent and systematic evaluation of its impacts. And no audience would appreciate the value of this research more than those at a conference on evidence-based policing.”