Finn Institute Publishes Syracuse Racial Profiling Analysis

September 1, 2011 – The Finn Institute’s analysis of stops by Syracuse police was accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Police Quarterly.  It is scheduled to appear in the March or June 2012 issue of the journal.  The study’s lead author, Rob Worden, said, “We were glad to be of service to the City of Syracuse in performing this analysis, and we are pleased to disseminate its results to the broader academic and professional community, adding to existing knowledge about police practices.  We also take this outcome of the peer review process as confirmation of the scientific validity of our analysis, and it adds to the credibility of our report to Syracuse.”

Updated January 28, 2012 – The article, “Testing for Racial Profiling With the Veil-of-Darkness Method,” appears in the March issue of Police Quarterly (volume 15, number 1), pages 92-111.  It is accessible at