Previous research has argued persuasively that first-line police supervisors play a pivotal role in the delivery of police services. Supervisors can make a significant contribution to the development and application of sound police judgment. Body worn cameras (BWC) may be a tool that facilitates the performance of this supervisory role. This project provides for an analysis of police supervision, and particularly how they mentor or “coach” their officers, and how BWC facilitates their coaching. The project also provides for analyses of police performance in their encounters with citizens, based on systematic social observation of police-citizen interactions (through BWC recordings) and survey data on citizens’ subjective experiences. Finally, the project examines citizens’ and officers’ attitudes toward BWC.
Supported by Arnold Ventures [January, 2017 – December, 2020]
Reports and Publications
Danielle L. Reynolds and Sarah J. McLean, 2020. Patterns of Supervisory Practices. Albany, NY: John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety, Inc.
Hannah Cochran and Robert E. Worden, 2020. Citizens’ Support for and Reactions to Police Body-Worn Cameras. Albany, NY: John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety, Inc.