
The Institute has worked with each of two police agencies to design a Compstat program that is tailored to the structure and needs of the individual agency. We worked closely with command staff around the development of the Compstat mission, meeting structure and content, and to inform and assess the work that is done between meetings. Following the implementation of Compsat we conducted a process evaluation to take stock of how well it was working, and how it could be altered to work better.

Publications, Reports and Presentations

Robert E. Worden and Sarah J. McLean, 2008.  COMPSTAT in the Troy Police Department: A First Year Appraisal.  Report to the Troy Police Department. Albany, NY: John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety.

Sarah J. McLean and Robert E. Worden, 2011.  Compstat in the Schenectady Police Department: An Appraisal. Report to the Schenectady Police Department. Albany, NY: John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety.

Robert E. Worden and Sarah J. McLean, in press. Reflections on Compstat in the Community Era of Policing.  Washington, DC: Police Foundation and Vera Institute.