O.W. Wilson Award Conferred

New Orleans, LA, February 16, 2018 – Each year the Police Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) confers the O.W. Wilson Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions over a number of years to police education, research, and practice (http://www.acjs.org/page/Awards). Institute director Rob Worden is the recipient of the 2018 O.W. Wilson Award, which was presented at the ACJS meeting in New Orleans today. Rob said “This is a shared award – shared with current and former students, with collaborators – especially Sarah McLean – who have made my work much better, and with dedicated practitioners with whom I have had the opportunity to partner.” Rob was joined at the award ceremony by Professor James Frank (UC) and Professor Heidi Bonner (ECU), both of whom serve on the Institute’s Board of Trustees. Professor Bonner said “Rob joins an impressive list of top policing scholars who have received this honor, a recognition that is long overdue. His career exemplifies the ideals of the award: promoting quality higher education for those in the field, conducting careful and scientific police research, instilling cooperation and collaboration among police educators, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners, and upholding effective, equitable, and accountable policing.”